been a while since i’ve updated this thing. well, here i am in santa monica. i’m on 3rd st promenade, which is the most happening area on the west side that i know about. lots of street performers, big crowds, free wi-fi everywhere. several districts of LA have state-provided free internet which rules.
the drive across the country was more fun than i thought it’d be. billy and i left VA at the same time but we had some disagreements in florida so we split up. i made it here to LA last night just in time for candyce’s birthday party which was a lot of fun. more people than last year, the place was absolutely packed. ran into some people that i haven’t seen for a year or so, which was a good time.
i wrote in my moleskine everyday that i was on the road, about all the little things that happened. i don’t want to reiterate everything here, but i stopped in a few cities and spent a day or two hanging out. most notably atlanta, new orleans, austin texas, and phoenix and tucson arizona. got completely drunk on bourbon street in new orleans, got stung by a bee while driving 100mph in el paso texas, and rode dirtbikes and 4-wheelers on desert tracks in phoenix. the landscape and scenery of the countryside really exceeded my expectations. almost every stretch of the country was absolutely beautiful, and really varied. from the swamps and bayous of louisiana on the gulf to the tumbleweed and cacti in arizona. sedona was really beautiful, i plan to go back there and back to phoenix around the beginning of december. i hung out with my friend corey there who’s apparently doing really well. i don’t know if i have any friends who have as many toys as he does. wrx sti, dirtbike, 4-wheeler, townhouse with a garage. smooth living. scottdale arizona has more money than any place i’ve ever seen, except for beverly hills. on one block near his place there are ferrari, bentley, rolls royce, and porsche dealerships.
i’m thinking about getting a ds today. i know that it’s basically a stupid waste of money. my thinking is that if i get one and don’t like it i can sell it to matthew in china because i know he wants one and can’t get it over there.
i’m going to go now.