A few days after I had arrived from California, snow fell in Washington DC. And it wasn’t a light dusting – it was like a snowstorm in late March. This is what it looked like from the balcony overlooking Lake Anne in Reston.
While in the city, I was lucky to catch LTJ Bukem, an old favorite DJ of mine from London. I went with Nemo and ran into some old friends who I haven’t seen in years. The venue was called Flash, which is named after the collection of vintage camera flashes which are arranged behind the DJ booth. The flashes are rigged to fire at random intervals, controlled by a light tech.
We tried to go to Old Ebbit Grill, a famously historic restaurant just blocks from the White House, but it was at capacity at 10pm. Instead we went to its sister restaurant, The Hamilton, just down the street.
We met the manager and he gave us this card. It may be the hippest and most memorable restaurant business card that I’ve seen before.
This is the apartment complex where I lived when I was in high school, called River Place, seated along the Potomac River in Rosslyn VA, just across from Georgetown. In the twelve years since I’ve left, it has not changed a bit.
One of the new places I visited was the Native American Museum. It was short on features but sculptures like these illuminated by natural light were the highlight.
The Botanic Garden in DC was one of the new locations that I hadn’t been to before. The inside was like a jungle with unbelievably dense and well-manicured flowers and assorted foliage.
The above three photos are all from the Library of Congress, which I hadn’t been inside before. The amount of detail in its design is captivating. It’s feels more like a cathedral than a library.
Inside one of the Senate Buildings. I was surprised that anyone can simply walk into these office buildings, but for us it was a rare opportunity to see the environment that senators complete day to day tasks in. Walking down the corridors, you could see inside offices labeled by state and senator.
This is an area of Georgetown that I know well, having spent a lot of time here in high school. This is the canal down the hill at Georgetown.
The above two photos are from the office of my brother in law, in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia. The time that I visited was near the height of the MH370 controversy, as you can see on the television in the lobby.